March 17, 2024
Interviewed by Shohei Takasaki
Gosha Levochkin
Name : Gosha Levochkin
What kind of artist : painter/immersive story telling
Based in: Clinton Hill Brooklyn New York
Age : 37
Pronouns : He/Him
Website/Instagram/facebook/etc… : Instagram: goshalevochkin
DYH : Gosha, you were born in Moscow, and life's twists and turns took you for a ride and you ended up living in NYC right? How did the country you were raised in, your life environment, your parents — how did all these things affect your story about how you ended up here?
GL:We immigrated to the United States after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1996 to Los Angeles, California, mainly the Hollywood area. What I think I was catching was the tail and of the weird/funky/wtf is that 90s. Having complete free-for-all roaming the streets of Hollywood. I was able to access these last of the 90s interests. From punk, hip hop, metal and underground scenes. Mainly all caused by the ultimate gateway drug skateboarding.
With the GTA map fully open to explore. I got to spend some time deeply investigating all these subcultures just by following a stream of curiosities that would lead me to find comfort in the images I was witnessing.
DYH : Rather than visualizing what's actually happening in real life (or what is about to happen, or what has happened in the past) what you're trying to visualize won't exactly happen in real life, and neither will they (real life) provide you with the ideas to do so, so basically you have to create it by yourself right? Are you inspired by the subject matter, composition, and color use from things like the kind of druggy surrealism from Jim Nutt, Hairy Who in CHICAGO or possibly some of the psychedelic illustrations? Where does the fantasy in your works come from?
GL:It’s a visual continuum of my very first loves and curiosities. Having experienced post Soviet design mixed with imported bootleg Japanese animations, with splashes of American made movies(that mainly take place in New York), I’m finally feeling all caught up and situated in my present day studio practice. I think more of it as a conditioning situation as for subject matter, composition, and color use from things like surrealism. The participation of the conditioning within the subculture of movement you mentioned.
Is almost unavoidable for things that I’m constantly interested in. They get polished along the way. For example, maybe why surrealism could Be associated with my practice. My stepfather in Las Vegas at a mobile Home park happened to have 2 Salvador Dali prints signed lol he was so proud of them. I had an accident as a teen. Let’s just say things weren’t in reality when I was looking at these prints I remember my step dad yelling across the room. “He’s having an out of body experience.” That was my first introduction on truly experiencing surrealism. So I guess I kept that nugget.
DYH : Of course the works of an artist reflects (his/her/their) personality, but what do you think of your relationship with your works? Your works tend to be very consistent, do you have any special rules that you follow in your working process? Just got really curious, share please! If you don't mind.
GL:‘Never shying away from your curiosity’ is my number one mantra when composing anything. Only after painting 3-4 canvases would I be able to see a sense of truth reveal itself, or establish if there was anything in the painting that evoked echoes of nostalgic or futuristic thought.
Think your participants in life and in your studio have the same relationship. I find myself getting distracted on my consistent walk to the studio. I think it’s the same when working. It’s consistent because I’m there so getting distracted within the consistency is when I’m looking for hints of brakes that could lead me into potential new avenues.
DYH : Do you have a routine in the studio? How often do you work? From what time to what time? If you are living with your partner or your family, can you please tell us how you make that work? I’m nosy, I know.
GL:I have such a military routine and so does my partner.
It’s New York City and one can’t get caught slipping with mahalo mode attitude save it for the weekend lol.
I’m not involved with family life routines. I think that gives us the privilege of dedicating more time to our work.
We both love creating and constantly try and find even more time to do so. But I guess if there was a schedule haha it’s from 8:30 am-6/7 Monday- Friday and some Sundays depending on how much body fuel we both have.
on my routine I think there’s an invisible spotlight above me that goes around in circles and shines. Sometimes the spotlight returns, and re-highlights the same idea, to which I’ll take a double note. My walk to the studio has so many of those moments, and by the time I get to the studio, my suggestion box is full of notes. At the moment, the spotlight has shone on art deco buildings with interventions of modern construction. How these compliment the buildings, and at often times don’t.
DYH : If people were to talk about and critique any form of your art, who or what kind of people would you be most comfortable doing so? Yes, the answer can be “myself”.
GL:David Hickey or the great Roberta Smith would be epic or fuck it Jake Phelps lol…. Sadly rip Jake and Hickey, and Roberta just retired.
DYH : How about this for a question: as an immigrant (and a speaker of English as a second language) and artist living & working in NYC, what are the positives and what are the negatives? Of course NYC is basically made up of immigrants but you know.
GL:The positive is you constantly have to deal with an overwhelming wave of empathy of how you can be some type of collaborator on their experience in New York or this country. It’s exciting to me when I see someone from the start getting excited about a potential future in this great city. I think the negative is on me. If I was frustrated by my involvement with the city it’s on me to contribute to better the future so that I can have less negative experiences.
It’s unavoidable to have bad experiences. When it comes down to speaking English I really love it! Till day I still get excited when I hear or learn a new word. It’s almost like discovering a new technique in your studio. I want to see how I could use it within my English-speaking practice to then better my conversations about my artistic practices.
DYH : Seriously. Why be a painter? Why not sculpture or other formats?
GL:painting has been more of a storytelling and mainly survival tool. It's a medium that has led me up until this point of my life. I worship it and depend on it to stay sane and make sense of myself, and my participants on this planet. Now that I bought survival sometime. My curiosity is starting to lead into movies. As far as production of movies I know nothing lol! But I think a great movie has all the things you mentioned. It has all the forms when it’s done well. For example, as of recent perfect days by Wim Wenders. It has everything that I would want to explore when I take on other formats.
DYH : We define Things and Places as Art. This is a very human thing to do and no other animal does it. Do you agree with this, or disagree?
GL:I don’t think it’s on us to give any titles to things and places. Mother Earth should have a say before we do.
P.s I hope in the future you can ask this question again.
When quantum computers are around 🤓
DYH : We at DYH end up talking to a lot of people in NYC, and we know this is broken-record question, but it's also something that everybody knows — what are some of the worst things and best things about surviving in this this competitive and so-expensive-to-live-in-city as an artist?
GL:I’m older now so unfortunately I can’t complain about things that I used too. Competition is excitement for me when I see something great in a gallery. I usually want to run back to my studio and start working. Survival for me as an artist is to always feel that I am in some type of beat with my peers and friends. A collective survival is better than one toxic downer that drags everyone down.
DYH : What kind of art do you love? What kind of art inspires you? What kind of person makes you go woooowww? Of course not everything is the same but is there anything there that connects it all?
GL:I think about going back to the magic spotlight above my head motif. I really can’t point to one specific thing.
It’s a little bit of everything to make a balanced meal.
Jessica Resler, our amílie sitting on my lap while my dog Ren is trying to bite her tail in a short distance, I hear our other cat Kendrick hissing, staring at the BQE while watching two birds fly as spring blossoms.
DYH : Simple question (but perhaps, we’ve never really heard a satisfactory answer). What is a professional artist? What is needed for an artist to be considered “professional”?
GL:I think when you can feel free from other life’s duties. make work with no distractions.
DYH : What kind of friends do you have? What are their personalities? What kind of work do they do? Do they live close? What kind of things do you talk about? I’m curious pants!!!
GL:Oh hahahaa well for example my 2 childhood BFFS Nick and Nikita live and work in Buenos Aires Argentina and now Chile as well. i can't wait to visit btw. With those two it’s locker room stuff my mouth is shut lol. Hanging out with them is like when the lake spirit from spirited away walks in super super filthy water. All three of us possess three different versions of philosophies. So the waters get filthy quick. But then just like in the movie we remember that Shiro removes the main thing that was keeping all the dirt plugged in. And just like that we’re all back to a calm clean Zen place and thank each other with some type of gift.
But overall I really love my community of friends and artists. I love to make people laugh so almost no one has a choice when they’re hanging out with me but to maintain some type of smile on their face. And if that’s not happening, I’ll just dip out.
DYH : We experience a myriad of influences throughout our lives. There are things that affect us more directly and importantly than art, and this is a critical point. And of course there are those who don’t care about art and neither do art lovers try to impose their interests on others. (Well, actually, what do you think? Is this so?) In other words, when an artist postulates that “I’d like to deliver art to everyone in the world”, is that a self-serving sentiment? Is that reckless?
GL:The best way I can think of a response to this question. Is with a short story.
My mother, sister and myself were forced to scramble for money to buy a plane ticket to come to America. In September 1993 Moscow, Russia. Military coup decided to overthrow the government and in response. The Russian military responded by sending tanks out into the streets and firing at these rebels, one of the tank shells hit three-story above a Japanese embassy where my mother happened to work. Not extreme amount of damage, but still enough to scare the Japanese embassy employees to say fuck it let’s get out! Apparently, these guys were my mom‘s smoking buds and in a scramble they said hey we are leaving. Take whatever you want from the office. My mom picked an oversize painting, of course. Her and her friend carried this massive painting home while there was a miniature revolution happening, bullets flying over their heads, etc.. they got the painting home safe they made it home safe. A few weeks after living with this painting while we’re still scrambling around to make enough money for the plane ticket to come to America we have a visitor. He purchases this Japanese embassy painting that my mom got for free! and that gives us just enough money to buy plane tickets to come to America wild…
DYH : Gosha, are you cool when you go to an artist friend’s (or a stranger’s) opening reception? Do you enjoy that moments?
GL:I really love supporting the community and my friends.
Think of opening as a place to gather. Temple Church cult. It’s always interesting to see what people are preaching.
DYH : any thoughts on the relationship between art and money? Literally anything you can say but, honest one please.
GL:Money buys you time and space if that’s what your life manifest is. I do think we’re at a peak of Andy Warhol’s philosophy that we were all still living in. The quote was that money is the best form of art. For example my ego craves freedom but be in control of it. If my studio rent is paid for the next 10 years and my home with beautiful food on the table and the community around me feels good then I think ok.
16DYH : It is often said that the visual art, music or any kind of cultural influences that affected us in our teens tends to stick with us for the rest of our lives and there is no running away from its effects. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? If you agree, can you please share what kind of influence you may have gotten?
GL:It’s a visual continuum of my very first loves and curiosities. Having experienced post Soviet design mixed with imported bootleg Japanese animations, with splashes of American made movies(that mainly take place in New York), I’m finally feeling all caught up and situated in my present day studio practice. I feel as though I am having what the Dutch or the French expressionist painters experienced once they discovered Japanese woodblock prints. In the case of Signs from Above, I’m my own woodblock print – rediscovering myself, and finding something new that excites me as though I've gotten to experience it for the very first time, all over again.
DYH : A big IF!!!.. but, if you were able to rent out any space, whether it be a museum or a gallery space, anywhere in the world for one night, where would that space be? Who would you invite for dinner? This is such a great question isn’t it? (laughs).
GL:Wow lol ok this is kinda grand…..
On a perfect spring evening I would rent out all of the MET and Central Park. Will all have dinner on the beautiful green grass of Central Park hop around the park to other dinner tables which are located all over the most iconic places of the park. Then wander our way to the MET where will host rituals for the most iconic works and listen to beautiful music that will echo through the museum. Allow people to take psychedelics in the Egyptian zone. Would be beautiful if you can have people have sex in front of the Greek statues. where usually you have students drawing the replicas. Everyone is invited if you make an hour long video of you helping out your community that’s your ticket way in.
DYH : Can you share any impactful art/music/culture you’ve experienced in the past few years? It could absolutely be anything.
GL:Last year I had the pleasure of being invited to PLOP residency in London UK. run by Oli Epp and Mollie Barnes. Oli host with the most really showed me and Eric Shaw who joined me on this adventure. I personally had a blast. Experiencing Tate and the amazing London art scene. One of the nights around 3am the song from Trainspotting by underworld title Born Slippy came on stuffed with sweaty last call lingers such as myself! My heart exploded with joy! I'm living a fantasy of my manifest coming into reality! That’s it I guess for me is to have those kinds of life moments come unexpectedly. Living inside a poetry that can help inspire me to be excited and refilled with energy to then take to my studio.
DYH : Please tell us about three things that really frustrated or straight up pissed you off recently.
GL:My dog Ren taking a shit in the middle of the street wow the light was turning red.
Tokyo vice is over :(
DYH : By the way, what’s the stupidest prank you’ve pulled?
GL:Oh boy!
Ok so this one time. My friend/neighbor who lived in Hollywood. Had this balcony open from the street side.
Me and my two friends had a bunch of fireworks that we decided to light up at 3AM and throw on his balcony while videotaping the whole thing across the street. The next morning he confronted us and said the funniest thing to him was that his neighbors, two of them were World War II vets, came out and started screaming war slurs. Extremely loud that could be heard all across Hollywood boulevard. As an adult I feel awful that it caused that old man any form of PTSD. I'm sorry!
DYH : Best recent background music? Do tell Mr. Gosha.
GL:I’m big on SoundCloud. I love long playlists that keep going. I’ll share my favorite stations but the track digging you’ll have to do yourself.
Mutant radio from Tbilisi, Georgia
LYL from France
Chances with wolves, Brooklyn, New York
DYH : Right this moment, if you open YouTube on your browser, what channel would pop up? Give us a gander, Mister Gosha.
GL:Louisiana channel
Manchester United daily
Cartoonist Kayfabe
Lots and lots of gardening videos
Coffee/cafe culture from Japan
Studio news Josh Smith
DYH : What’s the most disgusting food you’ve ever eaten in your life? Please share the story along with it if you can.
GL:Sadly and gratefully I’ve only had that happen to me once in my life. My first time trying avocado in America at a nice restaurant then immediately threw up on the table.
DYH : How about this for a question? If you had stupid amounts of money, what would you use it on? Something other than “art-related” please.
GL:Establish myself rich enough to then control the global power of weapons and fully get rid of them.
Turn prisons into rehabilitation center centers
Free healthcare
Conflicts solved by sports or philosophical debates.
Buy every slaughterhouse and close them down.
Invest only in renewable energy, free energy for everyone.
DYH : If you ever could live another artist’s life for a week, who would it be? It could be anybody from history. It doesn’t have to be an artist either.
GL:Matisse for the beauty
Andy Warhol for fun
Hilma af Klint for spirituality
DYH : How was this interview? Sorry for the blah blah blah, hope it was fun for you. Any last words?
GL:This interview/therapy was great! It’s always healthy from time to time to write about the participants of what led you into this present moment now. Nothing spiritual but then again. I always think of those little moments when I read something that made me go huh that’s interesting?
So maybe hopefully this can be something for someone. Thank you very much
March 17, 2024
Interviewed by Shohei Takasaki
Gosha Levochkin
インスタグラム: goshalevochkin
DYH : Gosha、君は元々はMoscowで産まれて、紆余曲折を経てNYCに移住してきたんだよね。 元々の育った国、環境、親なんか、そしてどういうストーリーがあってここに落ち着いたのかな?
DYH : 何かこの現実世界で起こっていること(もしくはこれから起こり得ること、過去に起こり得たこと)をヴィジュアライズするというよりかは、君がヴィジュアライズしたいことは、この世界では起き得ないし、彼らからアイディアを提供してくれることは無いから、自分自身で作り上げるしか無いんだよね?サブジェクト・マターやコンポジション、色使いなんかからも、Jim Nutt、CHICAGOのHairy Whoをはじめドラッギーなシュルレアリズム・イラストレイションなどから影響を受けているのかしら?君の作品のこのファンタジーは一体どこから来ているのだろう?
ラスベガスのモバイル・ホーム・パークにいた義父が、たまたま(サイン入りの)サルバドール・ダリの版画を2枚持っていました(すごいですよね 笑)。彼はとてもそのことを誇らしく思っていましたよ。10代の頃に私が事故に遭った時、非現実なものが見えていた、とでもいうべきでしょうか。。。彼の家でこれらの版画を見ていたとき、義父が部屋の向こうで叫んだのを覚えています:「(彼は)体外離脱体験をしているんだ! 」って。それがシュルレアリスムを体験する最初のきっかけでした。だから、僕はその記憶を今でも大切にしています。
DYH : もちろんアーティストの作品はアーティスト本人のパーソナリティを反映することが良くあることだけど、君と作品との関係性はどう?君の作品はとてもコンシスタントで、制作の中でいくつかの自分だけのルールなんかはあったりするのかな?どうにも気になっちゃってさ。もし問題なければ教えてちょうだい。
DYH : 君のスタジオでのルーティーンはありますか?週にどのくらい、何時から何時まで制作しているの?もしパートナーやファミリーと一緒に生活しているとしたら、彼らとの折り合いはどうやってつけてる?ごめんなさいね、気になるのです。
DYH : 君のペインティングや詩について話したり、批評したりするとしたら、一体どんな人たちが一緒に居て一番リラックスできる?自分自身ってのももちろんアリでございます。
DYH : こんな質問はどう?移民として(そして英語がセカンド・ランゲージとして)NYCにアーティストとして活動することのポジティブなこと、それと大変なこと、これを教えてもらえる?ていうかNYCはた〜くさんの移民で成り立ってる街だけども。
DYH : ズバリ。なぜペインター? なぜスカルプターや他のフォーマットじゃないの?
DYH :「もの」や「こと」、これらを「アート」と定義づけることって、とても人間らしいこと、そして他の動物には出来ないことだと思うけど、それには賛成する?それとも反対する?
P.s 将来、いつかまたこの質問をしてください。量子コンピューターが普及した時にでもね🤓
DYH : 僕らDYHはNYCを拠点にしてる人たちと話をすることが比較的多いんだけど、よく聞く質問で、みんな知ってる通り、こんなにコンペティティブで、物価も高い街でアーティストとしてサヴァイヴすることの最高なところと、あと最低なところも教えてくれる?
DYH : 君の好きなアート、君が影響を受けるアートって、君がウォオ〜〜〜〜ってなっちゃう人物って、どんなスタイルのもの?全てが同じじゃ無いだろうけど、そこに何かしらの一貫性があったりする?
DYH : 単純な質問です(けれども、実は真っ当な答えを聞いたことが無いかもしれない)。一体、プロフェッショナル・アーティストとは何?一体何を持って人々は、ある特定のアーティストのことを「プロフェッショナル」と言うのだろう。
DYH : あなたの周りにいる中の良い友達って一体どんな人たち?どんな性格?どんな仕事してるの?近くに住んでるの?どんな話してるの?ちょっと気になるので教えてもらえますか?
DYH : 一生を通して僕たちは様々な影響を受けるよね。アートよりも直接的で、しかも大きな影響を与えるものも僕らの人生にはたくさんあって、それらはとっても大事なこと。そしてもちろん、アートに関心のない人もたくさんいる中で、アートを好きな人が自分(だけの)の関心事を他人に押し付けるなんて全く意味がないことだよね。(まぁそこは本当のところどうでしょうか?)つまり、アーティストが「世界中の人にアートを届けたい」と主張するのは、独りよがりな感情なのかな?それは無謀なこと何だろうか?
DYH : ゴシャ、君は自分の、もしくは友達や他人のアーティストのオープニング・パーティーで良い感じで振る舞える方だと思う?パーティーはやっぱり好き?
DYH : ところで、アートとお金の関係性についてはどう思う?もちろんどんな答えでも構いません。ただ、正直にお願い!!!
DYH : 10代の時に体験して、大きい影響を与えたヴィジュアル・アートやまたは音楽などは、その後の人生にも一生ついて回って、君がいくら歳をとっても実はその影響からは逃げられないなんて言いうけど、果たしてそれは本当だと思う?そして、もしそれが君にも当てはまるなら、どんな影響を受けたのか、教えてくれるかな?
GL:それは、僕の最初の愛と好奇心の視覚的連続体みたいな物ですね。ポスト・ソビエトのデザインに、その当時輸入されていた日本の海賊版アニメーションを混ぜ合わせ、アメリカ製の映画(主にニューヨークが舞台)を散りばめたものを経験していたことを覚えています。最近、やっと自分の制作の中でこれらの影響が一体何だったのかを理解出来るようになってきました。例えばオランダやフランスの表現主義の画家たちが、日本の木版画に出会ったときに経験したようなことを、僕は今経験しているような気がするのです。まるで「Signs from Above」のように、僕自身が木版画の作品自体なのです。自分自身を再発見し、まるで初めてそれを体験したかのように興奮する新しい何かを、もう一度見つけることができました。
DYH : もし!例えば仮に、世界にあるどこの空間でも借りれるってなったら、どこを借りますか?博物館でもギャラリーでもなんでも、一晩限り。誰を晩餐に招待する?なんて素晴らしい質問なんでしょう(笑)
DYH : ここ何年かで体験した、強烈なインパクトを受けたアート/音楽/カルチャー/etcがあれば、教えて下さい。何でもいいですよ。
DYH : 最近身の回りで起こったことで本当にイライラしたことや腹が立ったこと、3つ教えてくれないかな?
DYH : ところで、あなたが今までにやらかした、最もバカバカしいいたずらって何?
DYH : 最近のベストBGMを教えてくださいませ。ゴシャさん。
DYH : 今この場で君のコンピューターでYoutubeトップを開いたら、一体どんなチャンネルが出てくる?ゴシャさん。
DYH : 今まで生きてきた人生の中で、ダントツに一番不味かった食べ物は何、、、?教えて下さい。差し支えなければそのストーリーも一緒にね。
DYH : こんなことも聞いていいかな?もし。もし途方もないお金を君が持っていて、何かに使うとしたら、それは一体何?もちろん「アートに関するもの」以外で考えてね。
DYH : もし、歴史上のアーティストの人生を一週間だけ体験できるとしたら、誰になりたい?誰でもいいですよ。アーティストが嫌だったら、アーティストじゃなくても。
DYH : このインタビューはどうでしたか?ダラダラと色々聞いてしまってごめんなさいね。そして何か最後に言っておきたい事があれば、何でもどうぞ。